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A member registered Jan 04, 2017

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would you work verry hard the whole day on a game and then give it away for free i mean.. its a quick way to get bankrupt

yea i know from ravenfield.. that took ages

do you have any idea of how long it will take cuz i dont buy games of itch :P but im really excited


i've watched some youtubers and one of them said there warent ant mortars and such any more so could you please add them in the release please. btw keep on making great games

you maybe could add hot air balloons it will fit the game better

you maybe could add hot air balloons it will fit the game better

there will be a beta 7 im pretty sure off

you can send one of your team to a spot you point at and click

I LOVE this game i play it all day long but there should be more like a city map and more guns like semi-auto shotgun and there should be more grenades and more slots and a fully auto hand gun would be awesome too BUT KEEP ON WORKING ON THIS GAME